How To Stop Fucking Around and Do The Damn Thing

1. The Wake-Up Call (Introduction)

  • Acknowledge the struggle: We all know the feeling of wanting to do something but procrastinating instead.

  • Introduce the idea: Time to break the cycle and get serious about taking action.

  • Promise a solution: This blog will give you the steps to finally do the damn thing.

2. Identify Your Excuses (Act 1)

  • List common excuses: Fear, lack of time, perfectionism, etc.

  • Address the mental blocks: Understanding why we make excuses is key to overcoming them.

  • Call to action: Acknowledge and confront your personal excuses head-on.

3. Create Non-Negotiables (Act 2)

  • Define what non-negotiables are: Daily habits or rituals that are essential to your success.

  • Offer examples: Writing for 30 minutes every morning, exercising, or dedicating time to your craft.

  • Encourage commitment: Make these non-negotiable actions a part of your daily life.

4. Simplify Your Goals (Act 3)

  • Discuss the importance of breaking down big goals: Focus on small, manageable tasks.

  • Provide a step-by-step approach: How to create micro-goals that lead to the bigger picture.

  • Emphasize the power of momentum: Small wins build confidence and motivation.

5. Embrace the Grind (Act 4)

  • Normalize the struggle: Understand that hard work and persistence are non-negotiable.

  • Offer strategies to stay consistent: Accountability partners, tracking progress, rewarding yourself.

  • Reinforce the importance of discipline: Success comes from doing the work, even when it’s tough.

6. Reflect and Adjust (Act 5)

  • Highlight the importance of reflection: Regularly assess what’s working and what’s not.

  • Suggest making adjustments: Tweak your approach as needed to stay on track.

  • Encourage a growth mindset: Learn from setbacks and keep pushing forward.

7. The Payoff (Conclusion)

  • Celebrate the wins: Reflect on how far you’ve come by doing the work.

  • Reinforce the message: Consistency and commitment lead to success.

  • Final call to action: Stop fucking around and do the damn thing—your future self will thank you.


turn down? for what!?


Ending Creative Poverty