Mediocre Mogul

Chris Do (The Futur) says a personal brand is 2 words. Sometimes it’s a shadow word. For him its “Loud Introvert”.
I followed a few prompts I heard from him at some talk (he makes a lot of content) and my shadow word was “mediocre”.
Obviously that lead me to Mediocre Mogul, or as F Abraham Murray said in Amadeus, The Patron Saint of Mediocrity.
I liked Mediocre Mogul because I am both. I am devastatingly average, but with the dreams of a mogul. It sounds nice.
Here is the Chris Do’s prompts (I wrote them down in Notion) to discover your personal brand’s two words.

1. How do most people see you? How do they describe your personality? What is it that they say that you do?

2. But what they don’t know is i struggle with this thing.

3. What do I struggle with? What is the thing I’m hiding that I don’t want people to know about?

4. What would your worst critics say about you?

5. What is your shadow word?

6. What is the opposite of your shadow word? (Transformer word)

7. Who shaped your thinking, values and beliefs? What did you learn from them? How did you initially resist?

8. Where you live, and where you were ‘born’.

9. Who are the villains of your story? (PICK A FIGHT)

10. Galvanize your community. Pick a fight, define your purpose. We’re in the business to__________


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