How To Find Your Niche

I spent the majority of 2023 trying to find my niche. I thought it was simply appear in front of my eyes.
Yes, there’s the Gabriella Rosie adage of “FUCK A NICHE” which I completely agree with.
We are no corporations that need a niche, we are artists, we are people.
However, if you’ve been boggling your mind to find the framework to find your niche, simply ask yourself these questions:

1. Why the heck do you want an audience?
2. Who do i want to be ‘seen as’ on social media?
3. What kind of topics can i talk about forever?
4. Research creators.

Credit goes to Levi Powe. I can’t find his original video but check out his tiktok and follow him. He’s a good lad.

I have answered these questions and I found my niche. I hope it guides you to the most obvious of avatars.


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