The Knives Monroe Skill Stack

What the fuck am I good at? What skills have I developed over the past few years? Over a lifetime?
Why is it important to ask myself this and write it down?
Why is it important to share?
Was this worth the time to write? Without any further adieu let’s get into it shall we?

  • Storytelling: Central to all content creation and resonates deeply with your audience.

  • Podcasting: Your primary medium and a key platform for your message.

  • Interviewing: Core to your podcasting and content creation, providing unique and engaging content.

  • Content Creation: Essential for maintaining a consistent and valuable presence.

  • Authenticity and Vulnerability: Critical for building trust and connecting with your audience.

  • Video Production: Enhances your storytelling and content creation capabilities.

  • Personal Development Coaching: Adds value by helping others grow, aligning with your ikigai.

  • Confidence Building: Addresses a key problem you aim to solve for your audience.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Important for understanding and addressing your audience's needs.

I encourage you, purely as an exercise, to write out the skills you have, the skills you’ve recently built, and problems you’ve solved.

I’ve created a live call-in podcast.

Learned how to create a brand story video.

Invested in two courses in 2023.

Shot a comedy mockumentary short film in a day.

Grew my YouTube channel over 1000 subscribers.

Learned how to edit and develop video courses in 2022.

Bought a RED camera and shot a short film on it.

Took your short film to a film festival.

Rented your own office space for a year.

Quit my full-time job to explore full-time freelance.

Did the shadow work on my life.

Learned how to sell ecommerce products (Nitecore).

Problems I’ve solved:

I’ve overcome my rustiness with making films.

I’ve overcome my rustiness with making YouTube videos.

I took the biggest leap of faith and invested in my business.

I killed demons.

I rediscovered my passion.

I identified my Shadow problems.

Sometimes, to add value in the marketplace, all you need to be is one step ahead of someone else.
When I write these skills and solutions down on paper, I crystalize my progress.
I encourage you to do the same. You’ll find some gold.


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